Discover the magic of the world's most advanced subtle energy revitalization platform, The BioCharger NG
In a nutshell: We are all beings of energy. By delivering a full spectrum of light and harmonic frequencies, restorative energy is delivered to weakened cells; enabling the body’s innate ability to heal at a cellular level in a short period of time. By utilizing evidence-based scientific principles, a customizable sweep of digitally pulsed electromagnetic fields is created to bathe the whole body in a rich field of bio-compatible healing frequencies via a Tesla coil, generating bio-photon light via plasma gas spectrum tubes. The transmitted energy stimulates and invigorates the entire body to optimize and improve health, wellness, and athletic performance. This therapy is completely non-invasive. With over 400 programmed recipes targeted to address specific health needs, our platform is known for helping people that have tried many modalities without obtaining desirable results.
In a session, you will simply sit back, relax and absorb the healing frequencies. You can expect to leave with increased energy levels, reduced pain and fatigue, enhanced sense of well-being in the following areas:
Relief: for those suffering from chronic, frequent or recurring physical or emotional discomfort.
Recovery: bounce back sooner from sports injuries, a hard workout, long runs, competitive sports, stiff joints and sore muscles.
Increased Flexibility: contributes to improved mobility and flexibility.
General Health & Wellness: toxins accumulate in our joints, fat cells and organs. As a gentle detoxifier, improved health in all areas of our lives will increase.
Energy: your cells will be revitalized so that you can perform at peak levels during the day and bounce out of bed in the morning!
Better Sleep: healing energy waves will realign your mind and body, so you’re prepared to face the day in the morning and ready for bed at night.
Better Focus: when your body and mind feel rested and aligned, your well-being adds to your overall productivity, creativity, ambition, intuition and happiness.
Healing at the cellular level is healing the root cause of disease. The 70 trillion cells in your body are like little
wet cell batteries that operate ideally at a voltage of around 70 millivolts. The cell membrane acts like a one-way
rectifier that converts the earth's magnetic pulse into electrical energy that drives life into cell metabolism and
helps to enhance oxygenation, ATP production and overall absorption of nutrition and essential elements into the
cell and removes wastes out of the cell.
Without this energy, the cell voltage weakens causing diseases and illnesses to form. When your immune system is weakened, it cannot effectively defend a problem in your system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in your body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates and eliminates the negative toxins your body is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) program the body to regenerate back to its optimal state.
Be our guest in our private and tranquil healing space where you can relax and safely and effectively
begin a path to true healing and recovery. Please call to discuss your needs and the suggested
healing protocol for your situation.
Please note: This therapy is not recommended for persons with pace makers or other
battery-operated implants, epilepsy or whom are pregnant.

Animals also respond remarkably well to receiving healing frequencies.

For more information on this technology and testimonials, please visit Advanced Biotechnologies, LLC website at: https://biocharger.com/testimonials/